p.a.a.c. has emerged from an ongoing frustrating search for honest, distinct high quality clothing.
pursuing to depict a new perspective, we have been knocking heads with some of the industries finest, combining practises to present a brand with a sole focus on creating authentic, desirable products.
made with love, to be loved and to last for a lifetime. beautiful design is our foundation. music, street and skate make the heart of the p.a.a.c. culture.
looking back, to draw on all the best elements from workwear and army references and applying a fresh yet playful flavour.
masters, to deliver new inspiring innovations to the market. a well longed for destination where second guessing if you have made the right ”conscious choice” is a thing of the past, as caring for our planet’s future is not just an objective, but a mentality.

welcome to the world of p.a.a.c.

’ i consider skateboarding an art form, a lifestyle and a sport. ”action sport” would be the least offensive categorization’
– tony hawk


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